Resumes 101

By Rogue Talent

Fact #1: Your resume/CV does NOT need to be limited to one or two perfectly condensed pages. This has become a popular belief over the last decade, but we say "bullocks." It is a pointless myth whose sole purpose is to make lazy recruiters lazier.

Fact #2: Your LinkedIn profile, if crafted with dedication and sincerity, can very well be enough to land you that next ideal job... no resume/CV necessary! A well-curated profile can serve as an excellent reference, going so much deeper than a resume.

The jobs are coming! The jobs are coming!

Q2 is nearly upon us, bringing with it an abundance of exciting new career opportunities. Let Rogue Talent help you with the resume and/or LinkedIn portion of your "spring cleaning" to prep you for the next chapter of your career.

We start with an engaging phone conversation, sharing the latest trends and demystifying the latest myths (see Fact #1) of the modern jobseeker before discussing your key accomplishments, career goals, core strengths, etc. This gives us a blueprint of your professional "personal" brand. Then the fun begins...

Email or text for a free consultation, or 419.509.2021. Discounts apply for friends and colleagues.

About me: I am the founder and principal recruiter for Rogue Talent, with over 10 years of professional recruiting, career advisory and technical writing experience, paired with excellent literary skills and an eye for details & aesthetics. I have worked with professionals of all industries: from facilities technicians to salespeople, administrative assistants to fellow recruiters, and software developers to Chief Information Security Officers. I am active in the local community as a thought leader in tech careers.

Co-Authoring Your Next Chapter

Whether you're a passive job seeker or eager hiring company, the concept is simple: Every story needs a protagonist, and every protagonist needs a confidant. We are the Sancho Panza to your Don Quixote, Goose to your Maverick, Thelma to your Louise. Together, we'll help define your specific goals, build a strategy around them, and see you through to the finish line. That's right: We're not recruiters... we're shepherds of talent. Reach out today to meet yours and experience the difference.


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